Your paper have been accepted for ORAL presentation during ESREF 2024, it's now time to start preparing your slide presentation.
You can use the ESREF 2024 template HERE OR your institutional template using the following guidelines for oral presentations:
Presentations may be submitted in the following formats: Microsoft Power Point OR Adobe Acrobat pdf
The setting of the document must be in the extended format 16:9, 1920 * 1080 pixels.
If special characters are used, they must be attached to the presentation, as well as all dynamic media, video or audio, to be delivered in a folder attached to the presentation file.
It is kindly recommended that font sizes appropriate for public video projection (not less than 14pt.) are used.
20 minutes is the time allotted for oral presentation: please use 15 minutes and leave 5 minutes for discussion
40 minutes is the time allotted for keynote and invited presentations: please use 30 minutes and leave 10 minutes for discussion ​
Presentation must be submitted by email to presentation@esref2024.org within Thursday, September 12, specifying the ID number of your paper in the e-mail subject.
The file name must be named ESREF2024#XXX (where "XXX" is your Easychair paper's ID number).
Please ensure that your slides are delivered to the meeting room on the day of the session, at least the day before the start of the session.
Your paper have been accepted for POSTER presentation during ESREF 2024, it's now time to start preparing your poster.
Organizing Secretariat will provide a printed number on your poster board and full instruction will be shown at the Poster Area. The poster board number will be matched with your EasyChair Paper ID.
​Materials Provided by the Conference Organiser:
Poster board: the size of poster boards is a standard A0 (84,1 cm x 118,9 cm vertical orientation)
Adhesive tapes
Materials Provided by the Presenters:
Home-made posters
The poster can be printed in Parma, see details in the following section “Do you need to print your poster?”
Requirements for the Posters:
Size: it must fit with the poster board. Poster text should be readable at 1m distance (min font size 36)
Content: refer to the accepted short paper: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Objective, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results (Tables/Figures), Conclusions
Posters should be affixed in the morning of the day where the corresponding session is scheduled, and removed before the end of the day.
Please note that attendance for the full 2-hour poster session is required for all authors of a poster presentation.
Do you need to print your poster?