Francesco IANNUZZO University of Alborg (DK)
Matteo MENENGHINI University of Padova (IT)
Giovanna MURA University of Cagliari (IT)
A - Quality and Reliability Assessment Techniques and Methods for Devices and Systems
Edgar OLTHOF - NXP Semiconductors (NL)
Cora SALM - University of Twente (NL)
B - Semiconductor Failure Mechanisms and Reliability for Si Technologies & Nanoelectronics
Alain BRAVAIX - ISEN-Toulon (FR)
C - Progress in Failure Analysis: Defect Detection and Analysis
Frank ALTMANN - Fraunhofer, IMWS-CAM (DE)
Matteo MEDDA - STMicroelectronics (IT)
D - Reliability of Microwave Devices and Circuits
Nathalie LABAT - IMS University of Bordeaux (FR)
Michael DAMMANN - Fraunhofer IAF (DE)
E - Packaging- and Assembly Reliability and Failure Analysis
Nicola DELMONTE - University of Parma (IT)
Olaf WITTLER - Fraunhofer IZM (DE)
Kirsten WEIDE-ZAAGE - University of Hannover (DE)
F1 - Power Devices Reliability: Smart-Power Devices and Silicon Power Devices
Giovanni BREGLIO - University of Napoli (IT)
Zoubir KHATIR - Gustave Eiffel University (FR)
F2 - Power Devices Reliability: Wide Bandgap Devices
Matteo MENEGHINI - University of Padova (IT)
F3 - Power Devices Reliability: Power Electronic Systems
Olivier CREPEL- Airbus (FR)
Saeed PEYGHAMI - University of Alborg (DK)
G - Photonics Reliability
Matteo BUFFOLO - University of Padova (IT)
Yannick DESHAYES - IMS University of Bordeaux (FR)
H - MEMS and Sensors Reliability
George PAPAIOANNOU - University of Athens (GR)
I - Extreme Environments and Radiation
Marta BAGATIN - University of Padova (IT)
Francesco PINTACUDA - STMicroelectronics (IT)
L - Automotive and Industrial Electronic Reliability
Ulrich ABELEIN - Infineon Technologies AG (DE)
Nicola TRIVELLIN - University of Padova (IT)
Abelein Ulrich, Germany
Ahooye Atashin Soroush, Denmark
Altmann Frank, Germany
Artola Laurent, France
Bagatin Marta, Italy
Balasubramanian Padmanabhan, Singapore
Beaudoin Felix, Malta
Bechou Laurent, France
Benech Philippe, France
Bernstein Joseph, Israel
Bettiati Mauro, France
Borga Matteo, Belgium
Boselli Gianluca, USA
Bouarroudj Mounira, France
Boudart Bertrand, France
Bravaix Alain, France
Breglio Giovanni, Italy
Buffolo Matteo, Italy
Busatto Giovanni, Italy
Cassidy Daniel, Canada
Castel Laurent, France
Cellere Giorgio, USA
Chatty Kiran, USA
Chef Samuel, Singapore
Chini Alessandro, Italy
Ciofi Carmine, Italy
Coignus Jean, France
Cova Paolo, Italy
Crepel Olivier, France
Dammann Michael, Germany
Dankovic Danijel, Serbia and Montenegro
Davidovic Vojkan, Serbia and Montenegro
De Leon Aldaco Susana, Mexico
Delmonte Nicola, Italy
Deshayes Yannick, France
Dobrescu Lidia, Romania
Duchamp Genevieve, France
Entrena Luis, Spain
Escoffier René, France
Federspiel Xavier, Spain
Fremont Helene, France
Friedrichs Peter, Germany
Galy Philippe, France
Garcia Michel, France
Gardelis Spiros, Greece
Gautier Christian, France
Giacomozzi Flavio, Italy
Godignon Philippe, France
Griffoni Alessio, Italy
Haller Gerald, France
Heiderhoff Ralf, Germany
Huat Goh Szu, USA
Iannuzzo Francesco, Denmark
Irace Andrea, Italy
Iucolano Ferdinando, Italy
Jacobs Kristof, Belgium
Jaeschke Johannes, Germany
Jaussein Nathalie, France
Jimenez Juan, Spain
Jullien Jean-Baptiste, France
Kaplar Robert, USA
Kastriotou Maria, United Kingdom
Khatibi Golta, Austria
Khatir Zoubir, France
Kimoto Tsunenobu, Japan
Koegel Michael, Germany
Krinke Jörg, Germany
Kuzmik Jan, Slovakia
Labat Nathalie, France
Lavieville Romain, France
Liang Zhongning, Nederland
Liu Yi, China
Liu Yongjie, Denmark
Lombardo Salvatore, Italy
Losee Pete, USA
Luczak Sergiusz, Poland
Maire Olivier, France
Malbert Nathalie, France
Marc François, France
Mateos Javier, Spain
Mavinkurve Amar, Nederland
Medda Matteo, Italy​
Medina Mathieu, France
Medjdoub Farid, France
Meinshausen Lutz, Germany
Mendizabal Laurent, France
Meneghini Matteo, Italy
Menozzi Roberto, Italy
Michalas Loukas, Greece
Minniti Triestino, Italy
Mohd Sabri Mohd Faizul, Malaya
Moreau Stéphane, France
Morel Hervé, France
Mura Giovanna, Italy
Nakamae Koji, Japan
Narasimham Balaji, USA
Nelhiebel Michael, Austria
Novak Mateja, Denmark
Oberhoff Stefan, Germany
Olthof Edgar, Nederland
Padovani Andrea, Italy
Papaioannou George, Greece
Perpiñà Xavier, Spain
Peyghami Saeed, Denmark
Pfost Martin, Germany
Pintacuda Francesco, Italy
Piton Michel, France
Piva Francesco, Italy
Planson Dominique, France
Pogany Dionyz, Austria
Pons Patrick, France
Poulain Christophe, France
Principato Fabio, Italy
Raghavan Nagarajan, Singapore
Ramey Stephen, USA
Ratti Lodovico, Italy
Richardeau Frédéric, France
Rodriguez Rosana, Spain
Rongen Rene, Nederland
Rorsman Niklas, Sweden
Roucou Romuald, Nederland
Salm Cora, Nederland
Salviati Giancarlo, Italy
Samaras Anne, France
Seliger Norbert, Germany
Smith Kurt, Israel
Song Chaochao, Denmark
Song Yubo, Denmark
Spaggiari Davide, Italy
Stathis James, USA
Suzuki Hiroshi, Japan
Suzumura Naohito, Japan
Tallarico Andrea Natale, Italy
Theolier Loic, France
Trivellin Nicola, Italy
Tyaginov Stanislav, Belgium
Uemura Taiki, South Korea
van Veenhuizen Marc, Nederland
Vandendaele William, USA
Varghese Dhanoop, USA
Verzellesi Giovanni, Italy
Vidal Paul-Etienne, France
Waltl Michael, Austria
Warnock Shireen, USA
Weide-Zaage Kirsten, Germany
Weiss Karl-Anders, Germany
Wilcox Ted, USA
Wittler Olaf, Germany
Woirgard Eric, France
Wolfgang Eckhard, Germany
Wong Hei, Hong Kong
Wu Tian-Li, Taiwan
Wurz Marc, Germany
Xue Peng, China
Yingqi Ma, China
Yu Qingkui, China
Zagni Nicolò, Italy
Zanuccoli Mauro, Italy